Celebration of International Women’s Day was adopted by United Nations in 1975 and has been celebrated worldwide since then every year on 08 Mar. Each year the day is celebrated with a specific theme. Celebration of the day each year with a specific theme provides an opportunity to all countries of the world to pay particular attention to promote the well-being of women and also to alleviate their sufferings.
Women form half of the world population, if not more. World can not progress unless equal opportunities of work and progress are provided to the women. It’s not only the absence of provision of equal opportunities of work and progress, unfortunately, there are a number of counter productive factors which make them lesser equal half. This condition may vary from one country to the other and from one society to the other, but it very much prevails even among the developed countries of the world. And all this is primarily because of relatively weaker physical strength, biological built and passive sex object. However, it is well established that despite these short comings, the women are blessed with equal mental faculties. The earlier, humanity realizes it the better it would be for the development of the world technologically and socially. Whereas awareness is the first step, it can only be achieved by formulation of such rules and regulations and their implementation. We should not lose sight of the fact that development of women will lead to better grooming of the their children which in turn will contribute towards better society.
This year’s theme is Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change.
Going by the theme of this year i.e. Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change says it all. The subject purpose can only be achieved if women the world over are treated alike and they are able to move about without any fear of discrimination, an objective from which the world at large is still far behind.